fied the Superintendent that he was wnated in his office. Herr Lentz, when introduced to the subject, attempted by prior ar- rangerrent, to kiss the subject's hand. Subject demurred saying,

"Please don't kiss my hand for I'm not married, you know."

At the conclusion of the party, subject was asked the ques- tion, Don't you just adore being a girl." Subject almost starry- eyed with rapture asnwered, “Yes, oh yes, I do."


RECAPITULATION: Height 168 cm, weight dropped from 68 kgs to 62 kgs (Bertillion measurement, see Files M-167/ 4-FM and M-167/4a-FM). Facial: cheek and jaw lines softened; expression of eyes changed to questioning rather than asserting; eyebrow line changed due to plucking and shaping; beard com- pletely removed and replaced by down; body hair minimal except under arms and in pubic region. Adam's apple still noticeable and hands and feet a little too large for a woman; subcutaneous fatty deposits now evident in hips, thighs, abdominal region, and across back and shoulder. Masculine musculature almost completely changed to feminine. Breasts nonfunctional, small but well formed. Aureoles and nipples underdeveloped. Male genitilia has not changed or Jeteriorated; voice is deep for a woman, but musi- cal and well-modulated.

Subject appears to be completely happy in his new role as a woman in matter of dress, activities and responsibilities. (Ex- ceptions occu. less frequently as time progresses.)




(A) The transformation from man to woman has been completed successfully. Most secondary sexual characteristics of subject have been changed from male to female; however, the primary sexual characteristic has remained unchanged. There has been no change in male genitilia, and subject remains heterosex- ual. His potency is evidenced by his seduction of Fraulein Mann- stein. Fraulein Amman refused to have sexual relations with "heter."
